40 years of experience

Masters in Economics, seconded by several professional training, Mr. Syed Khairul Islam has started his career in 1976 and was involved in wide variety of national and international projects/agencies in Bangladesh and Yemen The important agencies he worked, both as regular and short-term staff/consultant include Sida, World Bank, UNDP, IFAD, ADB, EC, DFID, UNHCR, NORAD, CIDA, DANIDA, Save the Children, UNICEF, UNHCR and ILO, inter alia. During his long career, he worked in all stages of project cycle (PCM) with special focus on M&E in several fields including rural development, livelihood, agriculture, community development, marketing, children and gender, health, microfinance/enterprise, socio-economic development, social enterprise, education and capacity development/training.

He worked in Agricultural and Rural Finance cum Capacity Building Expert, Economic Opportunity Fund-EOF (supported by IFAD), of Republic of Yemen. While working in Economic Opportunity Fund and Amal Bank he conducted research/studies starting from designing, method and tools development, data collection to overall management and report writing, he has gained huge expertise and skills in applying quantitative and qualitative as well as mixed methods. Market Assessment Survey of Microcredit (conducted following mixed method); Marketing Plan: Revise/update Business Plan: Rural Products and Services Development; Rural credit policies and procedures development; Develop Training Tool Kit; Provide Training (TOT) to Bank Staff; Monitor/Assess Piloting of Products; Develop Reporting Mechanism including mitigating risks.

Since Jan 2013, he has worked as Team Leader, Process Monitoring (Third Party Monitoring and other assignments. Mr. Islam is associated with different organizations/forums. He is a member of Asia Pacific Regional Evaluation Association (APEA), Community of Evaluators-South Asia (COE-SA) (Board member), and Vice Chair of Community of Evaluators (COE)- Bangladesh, and some national NGO etc. He has, to his credit, about 10 publications of high standard.