RIDS is managed by 3 partners who are Senior Development Professional, having more than 35 years working experience (each) in International Development Organizations, donor and UN agencies. They have diversified experience in different areas in the development sector.
Since inception of the organization, the firm has been working with good reputation. RIDS strive to be the partner of choice for development efforts in terms of conducting research and evaluation, and providing training on the tools necessary for independent research. RIDS served with more than 40 partners including Donor agencies, UN agencies, International and National development organizations, Humanitarian organizations, Research Institutions and the Government of Bangladesh
Until June 2022, more than 294 assignments completed in which 64 are Baseline studies, 142 are Evaluation, 11 are Feasibility studies and 72 are thematic studies including action research and covered the areas of socio-economic, livelihood, micro-finance, food security, and nutrition, health, reproductive health, issues of disability, WASH, disaster and climate change, occupational Health and Safety (OHS), GVB, women empowerment, agriculture-based value chain programme, market system assessment, human rights and governance related studies.
We are providing expert services in conducting organization’s capacity assessment, training need assessment, conducting training on project management, project development, value chain and market system development, feasibility studies, issue based research, baseline, mid-term and end evaluations.
We have track record of working with reputed International consulting firms of Asia (majority with Indian Firms), Europe and USA and successfully completed the assignment including Independent monitoring of multi-year integrated development project, implemented by INGOs and their local partners.
We use sophisticated technology for data collection and data analysis and have a highly skilled team of 350 male and female enumerators selected from different region of the country including hill districts. RIDS has its own logistics to accomplish multiple tasks at a time and handling large size of data collection.
feasibility studies
thematic studies
baseline survey